Thursday, July 4, 2013

Getting to the Hotel

Getting from airport to the hotel:
Follow signs in airport for Trains to Downtown.  Take the blue train (the only train!) into downtown, and get off at the Chicago Avenue stop.  If you have a smartphone, I highly encourage adding the Unercar free app- it's a taxi service and they are top notch.  Add on your coupon code ÜBER444 and you've got $20 (more than enough to get you from the sweet coffee shop on the corner of Chicago Ave to our hotel- make sure to tip for your free ride! 😉).  Or you can walk down Chicago Ave toward Delaware Ave, or take a bus- though I dont know that system!  Of course there are other taxi services as well, flag one down from the roadside and tell them you are going to the Raffaello Hotel on Delaware Ave.  Cant wait to see you all tomorrow we are in for a lovely weekend!  Xoxo Dana

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Do y'all have some photos of you and Soph together?  The ones above is are "after-shots" of a pretty wild time the night previous.  I will be bringing some pics I've found in my "never-to-be-posted-on-Facebook" files, but along with some lovelies that aren't so incriminating.  Please bring them along, to share or to take back with you- I will be digitally photographing them for a little book for Soph!

Waxing Poetic...

A girlie little gift we ask you to bring
whether it be cotton or lace
or even some bling
A pair of panties that best describe you...
Lets see if our bride can play guess who!
Have fun, and be silly,
pick your panties with care
It'll be fun to see what our bride thinks
of all the ladies underwear!
Wrap it up with a pretty little bow;
but make sure you keep it a secret
we don't want the bride to know!

We'll be doing a fun lingerie game on Saturday- please bring a pair to give to Soph, she'll be guessing who each pair is from, so go wild!  As the poem says- have fun and be silly :)  Also, if you are running short of time, remember that we are staying right off of Miracle Mile and there are many options for undies around there.  Thanks ladies! 

PS  Some of you may be wondering about a theme for Saturday- just bring your going-out finest, I've got a little something up my sleeve to pull us all together for the evening... nothing raunchy I swear!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Who wants to do mani/pedi party?

Just wanting to get a feel for if anyone would like to do mani/pedis while we are there.  It's getting pretty booked at their spa (as proven by calling to try to add a massage onto our block for Friday- no more spots available!), so if there is a sizable group interested in that it would behoove us to try to schedule a "spa party".  SO, who's game?  It'll run us about $100/hour, and they can do 3-4 services per hour (so, about $25-35/service)
One thing to think about.... if we are going to the beach, do we really want to have just-painted hands and feet?  Hmmm.....

One more question:  what time is everyone arriving?   You can leave that info in the comments area if you'd like, or feel free to email me at

Thanks again and cheers!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Itinerary Info

Oak Street Beach, Chicago, IL
Hello everyone!  I have an itinerary (of a somewhat flexible variety) here available, yay!  Look toward the bottom for the itinerary chart.  I have dinner booked for Saturday, and a few massages booked for earlier in the day on Friday.  For those of who haven't already, and think they might like to enjoy some relaxation time, there is a spa in our hotel!  4 of us including Soph have some booked from 1:30-3:30, and they can do 2 at a time.  Additionally, there is a Groupon available that just so happens to be for our in-hotel spa (SpaBar).  Let me know if you need help.

I think we'll keep it loosey goosey and flexible for Friday (and most of Saturday for that matter :) )- with cocktail hour on the roof, and dinner within walking distance of the hotel.  There are some lovely looking inexpensive options like a salad/wine bar and a place called WowBao that look marvy.

What times are you all arriving?  Check-in time for most rooms is 4 pm, but we will have one room open early for those who arrive prior to 4.  I will be posting info on the train route/train stop to our hotel.  Our hotel: Hotel Rafaello.
I will be updating regarding games, further details, and etc.
Can't wait to see you all there!

July 5, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 7, 2013
9:30/10:30 p.m.
The Local

Free/Open Time (shopping)

Spa Time/Lunch
SpaBar (Rafaello)

Freshen Up/Free Time

Cocktail Hour
DrumBar (Rafaello Rooftop)

Navy Pier?
Wow Bao (hot asian buns)

Late Night Hangout time!

The Local
In-room Parfait Bar

Lady Lounge/Spa/Free Time?

Beach Time! And Taco Stand Lunch
Oak Street Beach

Freshen Up- back to hotel- Games+Gifts!
Hotel, ChampyPop

Get Ready to Go Out


Rooftop Time/Tavernita's After-Hours
J Parker Rooftop
J Parker

Checkout by noon

Soph's flight departs at 3:30

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sophie's bachelorette party will be held in Chicago, IL July 5th-7th!  This will be a forum for updates, itineraries, and discussion.  Remember, we want to keep this as much secret/surprise for Soph so no spilling the beans!